Does the Dalai Lama like Mondays?

This is how Charlie feels about Mondays.


Oh wait, that’s how I feel about them lately. Luckily, this is my last week of work before a little stay-cation.

Here’s my first effort to get this day (and week) off to a good start: green juice! It was a mix of kale, cucumber, celery, lemon, ginger and Granny Smith apple. Quite tasty, and it delivered a total energy rush – so much I wondered how juicing can be legal!


Lunch was a raw veggie wrap:


And dinner was leftover chicken with pesto and mozzarella on pasta with garlic and spinach.


After dinner, Charlie and I headed out for a stroll. Then I got reacquainted with the treadmill. I was 45 minutes into a documentary on Netflix (“10 Questions for the Dalai Lama”) when it was time to stop. I’m looking forward to picking it back up tomorrow, and finding myself curious about what, exactly, the 10 questions will be. Any guesses ?


  1. Watched a great thought-provoking movie on Netflix streaming recently called Kumare – highly recommend! 🙂

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